Isaiah 7:9
"If ye will not believe, surely
ye shall not be established"
Ungodly men are often punished by others as bad as themselves. Great distress and confusion comes over us, and we want to give up. At this point some tend to make God their enemy and not their friend. We must teach ourselves to forgive our self and our enemies; and have faith in God and depend on Him. God scorns the scorners, and gives His word that they will not succeed.
Man purposes, but God disposes. It is a waste of time to scorn our neighbors, when we our self is near to ruin. Sin is the cause of all the disruptions in our lives. The unbeliever's think they can concur sin and they will not trust God, and yet they will say "I'm not tempting God" The Bible says you are,and there is nothing more grievous to God than distrust. Even the unbelief of man did not make the promise of God take place. Jesus Christ was born and you cannot be destroyed while that blessing is in you. "If you believe, you will be established."
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister: Robert A. Lail
The Cross Life Ministry
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