Monday, July 15, 2013

We Are The Apple

                                                Zechariah 2:8c
                                       "For he that toucheth you
                                     toucheth the apple of his eye"

          The promises and privileges with which God's people are blessed, should inspire all nations to join them, However we know that will not happen. When Zion is enlarged to make room for all God's Israel, it will be the greatest time ever, because the captivity of a sinful state will by know means continue there. It want just be Israel because, Paul states that since the Jews made them self unworthy he turned to the Gentiles.
         Christ has proclaimed that deliverance to the Captives (sinners) that He would make a way to The Father through Him.  On the Cross "Christ" resolved the matter of sin with His blood. But it is up to us to Go to "Christ"  to resolve our own personal sin.  Yes we are the apple of His eye.  This little phrase we have heard many times, you probably have quoted it as well.  When we use this phrase, it's just;  "you are the apple of my eye."  That means we love and care for that person and they are very special to us. We would do any thing for them; even "Die" for them.  That is what God is telling us and He died on the Cross to prove it.
         Those who are found among God's people have save themselves from this world, through the blood of Jesus Christ.  What Christ will do for His Church, shall be proof of God's care and affection.  He that touches you, touches the apple of His eye.  This is a strong expression of God's love for His Church.  He takes what is done against the Church as it being done against the tenderest part of the eye, to which the least touch is a great offence.  We should with out ceasing; Thank God and Praise Him daily, because  "We Are The Apple Of His Eye."        

                                        May God Bless You
                                         And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry

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