Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Judge Not

                                             Matthew 7:2
                            "For with what judgment ye judge,
                                       ye shall be judged"

          This statement is not a haphazard guess, it is an eternal law of God.  Whatever judgement you give, it is measured to you again.  There is a difference between retaliation and retribution.  Jesus says that the basis of life is retribution;  "with the measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."  If you have been shrewd in finding out the defects in others, remember that will be exactly the measure given to you.  Life serves back in the coin you pay.  This law works from God's throne downwards  (Psalm 18:25-26)
          Who of us would dare to stand before God and say;  "My God, judge me as I have judged my fellow men?"  We have judged our fellow men as sinners; if God should judge us like that we would be in hell.  Thank God He judges us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  In closing I would like to say that this was my late wife;  "Robin's"  favorite scripture, Matthew 7:2 except she didn't say it that way, but to her it meant the same and that's what counts. Robin would say;   "Don't Judge Lest You Be Judged."  Robin I Love and miss you!  Save a place for me!

                                     May God Bless You
                                     And Your Families
                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry

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