Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Must Be A Change

                                                Jonah 3:10
                             "God repented of the evil, that he said
                             he would do unto them and he did it not"

          God is immutable (He never changes) "For I am The Lord, I change not" (Mal 3:6).  However, God interacts with men, and men do change.  In this instance God's ultimate intention towards Nineveh did not change, because the city was later destroyed.  Nevertheless, God saw that the people's actions in response to Jonah's message of the impending destruction of the city.
          This verse is one of great hope for God's people today.  If God is able to make provision for these people of Nineveh by Suspending His judgement on them foe over one hundred years, Therefore God is surely able to grant mercy to a believer today.  Of course He Can!  Why?  Because He is a never changing God.
          So what does this event with the people of Nineveh and God show us today?  It shows very plain that God hates disobedience and evil.  Before God begins to reprove us He affirms His past and present love for us.  When God brings before us, all the offenses which we have committed; His focus is on our heart and soul.  Now at this time is and will be the most important decision  you'll ever make.  God has said;  "The wages of sin is death, but to all who shall call upon the name of Jesus Christ as their Saviour will have eternal life in heaven with Him.  God's words are true; He is a never changing God. Man is the one that must change.

                              "HAVE YOU MADE THAT CHANGE"

                                           May God Bless You
                                            And Your Families

                                                          Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                          The Cross Life Ministry     

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