Matthew 24:42
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what
hour your Lord doth come."
Since the day and the hour of the coming of Christ are known to only God, then all life must be in constant preparation for His coming. To live without watchfulness invites disaster. A thief does not send a letter saying when he is going to burglarize a house; his principal weapon in his undertakings is surprise; therefore a homeowner who has valuables in his house must maintain a constant guard. But to get this picture right, we must remember that the watching of the Christian for the coming of Christ is not that of terror-stricken fear and shivering apprehension; it is the watching of eager expectation for the coming of "Glory and Joy." The spirit which leads to disaster is the spirit which says there is plenty of time. It is that comfortable delusion of man, that there is plenty of time to make things right with God before Christ returns. The most dangerous of all delusions is that there is plenty of time. The most dangerous day in a man's life is when he learns that there is such a word as tomorrow. There are things which must not be put off, for no man knows if for him tomorrow will ever come.
My Friends, what we must do is this, when Christ returns, He will find us doing no better and greater task than our duty, "Being Faithful and True To Him."
Reading: (Matt. 24:42-51)
Ref:(HG SB)
May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry true and we all need to hear that!