Friday, May 8, 2015

Learn To Be Content

                                         Philippians 4:11         
                      "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I
                        have learned in whatsoever state I am,
                                     therewith to be content."

        Paul is speaking here to '"have a contented mind."  Paul says that he had "learned" this.  By nature he had a mind as prone to impatience as others, but he had been in circumstances fitted to produce a different state of feeling.  Paul had ample experience and in his life of trials, he had acquired invaluable lessons on the subject.  He had time to reflect.
        My friends we have time as well for refection, and we can know that there is grace enough in the gospel to enable us to bear trials. The spirit of impatience does no good, remedies no evil, and supplies no want; that God can provide for us in a way which we can not foresee.  A contented mind is a blessing, and is one of the fruits of religion in the soul.  It arises from the belief that God is right in all his ways.
         Why should we be impatient, restless, discontented?  What evil will be remedied by it? What want supplied? What calamity removed?  "He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast" (Pro.15:15).  And one of the secrets of happiness is to have a contented mind and joy in serving God!  Heavenly Father, "Give us minds always contented with our present condition."  No prayer can be offered which will enter more deeply into all our happiness on earth.

Reading: (Phil. 4:10-23)

                                   May God Bless You
                                    And Your Families

                                                Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                The Cross Life Ministry

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