Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Time to Every Purpose.

                                            Ecclesiastes 3:1
                       "To every thing there is a season, and a time
                              to every purpose under the heaven"

          King Solomon tried hard in defense of his labors in the flesh, to find some profit in seeking to establish stability in one's life.  As it was in Solomon's time and ours there is much in the world that is changing, and as things change around us we are trusting in those things which we think have provided us with security. There is only one who keeps the world in order, that is "God".  God is the one who causes all things to happen in their "season" and gives everything a "purpose".  God knows the beginning of all things and the end of all things because he is the all-knowing God.
          Every thing is fitted into God's timetable not ours. The fact that God is not going to change and is unaffected by the circumstances of this world is incomprehensible to the human mind. What I am saying is that in our minds our thought is; "This world is going to Hell in a hand basket, why don't God fix it or end it now".  We know that is just an old saying that is used when bad things happen, instead of saying  "God" help us.  We can find true happiness in knowing that in God's time all things well be worked out according to His purpose. God is able to use anything and anyone for the fulfillment of His purpose.  That includes spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life throughout the world.  Today would be a good time to make a new start in your life with the Lord and Saviour;  "Jesus Christ.

                                         May God Bless You
                                          And Your Families

                                                       Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                       The Cross Life Ministry        

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