Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Deliver And Protecter

                                                Job 5: 19
                           "He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea,
                             in seven there shall no evil touch thee"

          This verse is probably read over and over by all of us, but have we ever stopped to ponder on what God is telling us. While I was reading this verse in came to life, I mean; it really stood out throughout my entire life.  God took me on a journey back through my life and showed me were and when he deliver me out of trouble and when he kept evil from me. During the journey, what hurt me the most was, that most of the times I was neglecting God while He was delivering and protecting me.
          I recalled the time when I was a small boy,  my dad, my brother and I hit an embankment head on.  I was heading for the windshield but out of no were came my dad's arms and caught me.  As I grew older God showed me just how many times He was there for me.  Twice from serious injury and I could have been killed.  I was in Italy facing 12 to 15 years in prison with no hope in sight, but I know now God was there, because I came home meet the girl of my dreams and married her.  There is so many times that I now look back and see that yes; it was God's hand on my life even though I was not always in Communion with Him.  I was raised  to know God, but I let the world run me at times.  "God I thank you now for your love and care throughout my life."  Friends; I ask you to apply this verse to your life and see what God has really done for you.

                              "TAKE THE JOURNEY BACK
                             THROUGH YOUR LIFE TODAY"  

                                        May God Bless You
                                         And Your Families

                                                       Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                       The Cross Life Ministry         

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