Saturday, June 22, 2013

Think With God

                                           Psalm 37:5
                            Commit thy way unto the Lord;
                             trust also in Him; and He shall
                                        bring it to pass"

          God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the things we have thought on without taking Him into account. We get into circumstances which were not chosen by God, and suddenly we find we have been thinking and moving without God. The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our decisions. As Christians we must always put God first, but we are apt to think it is not that important to put Him first in the practical issues of our lives. If we think we have to put on our Sunday moods before we come near to God, we will never come near Him. we must come as we are.
          Does God really mean us to take no account of the evil? "Love..taketh no account of the evil." Love is not ignorant of the existence of the evil, but it does not take it in during the thinking process. Apart from God, we do reckon with evil; we think with it in view and work all our reasoning's from that standpoint. We cannot lay up for a rainy day if we are trusting Jesus Christ. Jesus said.."Let not your heart be troubled." God will not keep your heart from being troubled. It is a command;  "Let not." Haul yourself up a hundred and one times a day in order to do it, until you get into the habit of putting God first and thinking with God in view.

                                     May God Bless You
                                      And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry 

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