Monday, April 8, 2013

Marriage Reminder

                                                               Matthew 19 : 6
                                                     "Wherefore, they are no more"
                                                            "Two,But one flesh"

         The union of marriage has became a "Truth or Dare Union."  Let's look at marriage say, 15 or 20 years ago in comparison to today's marriage.  It's more like a dating game with a license. After a while the truths stop coming out and the dares start up; and then the divorce is just as quick as the marriage was.  The Bible speaks of three Laws of  Marriage: (1) The Original Edenic Law, (2) The Temporary Mosaic Law, (3)  Christ's Law for Marriage.
        Christ clearly states that divorce is permitted for only one cause, "fornication." This is a sin against the body (1Cor. 6 : 15-18) and thus a sin against the marriage union, which is a physical union. The word "fornication" as used in the bible seems to include a number of sexual sins; (Mark 7 : 21) speaks of "fornication" (plural), while (Acts 15 : 20) (Rom. 1 :29 and 1Cor. 6 : 13) indicate that "fornication covers sexual sins in general. It is agreed that fornication is used of sins committed by the unmarried, adultery by the married.
       In any case, Jesus states that divorce for any other reason makes the parties guilty of adultery if they remarry. There are only two things that can break the marriage union:  death and fornication. The Bible does not teach celibacy, it does recognize that not all are supposed to be married. Paul himself had refrained from marriage that he might serve  God, But this is not the will of God for all His servants. A person must find God's will for his life and be sure to marry "in the Lord". A marriage with two, in the Lord , "stays in the Lord".

                                                          May God Bless You
                                                           And Your Families

                                                                                  Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                                                  The Cross Life Ministry          

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