Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Promise Is Ours

                                         Genesis 22: 16-17
                          "By Myself have I sworn, saith the Lord,
                             for because thou hast done this thing
                                 that in blessing I will bless thee"

         By the discipline of obedience we get to the place where Abraham was and we see Who God is.  We never have a real God until we have come face to face with Him in Jesus Christ, then will we know that  "in all the world, our "God" there is none but Thee, there is none but Thee."  The promises of God are of no value to us until by obedience we understand the nature of God.
        We read Scriptures in the Bible hundreds and hundreds of times and they mean nothing to us, but all of a sudden we actually wake up in God's Word and understand. With Spiritual eyes we begin to see what God means; because in some particular case we have obeyed God, and instantly His nature is opened up.  "All the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen."  The "yea"  must be born of obedience;  When by obedience of our lives we say "Amen" to a promise, then that promise becomes ours.  What a  "Wonderful, Loving, Caring, and Merciful God we have.  Let us not fail to give thanks to our Lord daily!   Amen!!

                                      May God Bless You
                                       And Your Families

                                                     Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                     The Cross Life Ministry       

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