Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Time To Recognize God

                                         Psalm 29:1
                          "Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty"

         There is no man, nor angels; no pagan gods nor idols that beholds the glory and might that our living God holds.  We as His creations should recognize His glory and might!  We should praise God and rejoice in our hearts with every breath we take.  Unto the Lord and him alone, honor must be given.
        All of these natural causes around us, or as most call them, are our God in action and we best not think or believe that things happen by accident due to these natural causes.  If man believes that things happen due to natural causes; or an accident, than man is nothing but an accident heading to the final accident "Death forever without God"!!  So today all people on this earth let us join our brothers and sisters, and angels of heaven and worship the Blessed and Holy One;  the only one,  "Our Living God"  Let us bow our heads at once and loyally give homage to the King of Kings.                                
                          "Spend Time With God Today"

                                   May God Bless You
                                    And Your Families

                                                   Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                   The Cross Life Ministry

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