Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Kept Vow Is Joyful Unto God

                                         Psalm 66:1
                    "Make a joyful noise, unto God all ye lands"

         This my friends should be our vow for the upcoming year "2014."  Let's make a joyful noise unto our Lord, with true heart felt vows.  Amen!!
         Our nation is in a season of political danger and it seems that our leaders have left God on the outside when He should be on the inside so they could tap into "God's Wisdom."  The laws they make and things they promise is a vow made to God and Country.  We too as individuals must not forget our vows made to God, or redeem them to be seen by men.  Our vows must be performed unto God alone, with our hearts and eyes waiting on His acceptance.
        We as believers are under a covenant, which was made at conversion, and renewed upon being baptized, joining a church and being a part of God's table.  This year we should be very deliberate in promising, and performing our vows..  A vow unkept will burn a conscience like hot iron.  No matter what your vows may be; (i.e.) vows of service, donation, of praise, or whatever your heart feels, it is not small in God's eye's.  My friends our vows to God should without fail, be fulfilled to the utmost of our power.   Amen!!

                                 "Let's Make A Joyful"
                                    "Noise Unto God"

                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR
                                  May God Bless You
                                   And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry

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