Saturday, December 28, 2013

Make Sure, By Asking!

                                         Psalm 35:3b
                       "Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation"

         Besides holding off the enemy, the Lord can also calm our minds by speaking assurance from His own mouth.  God assures us that we are, and shall be , safe under His Almighty Hand.  Just one word from our Lord quiets all our fears.  This Scripture alone tells us that salvation may be made sure to all mankind; "I am thy salvation."
        We may then know that Christ is in us.  If Christ be in us, we are in Christ; if we be in Christ, we cannot be condemned.  "There is no damnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." Let me however leave this point with you all;  "Even though Our Lord has given us His salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, let's not take it for granted, but let us come to it through faith, and believe that Christ died for the worlds sins.  I leave this old Quaint saying with you:  "A man can never be to sure of his going to heaven;  however a faithful, God fearing, washed in the blood of Christ man, can be sure of eternal life.   Amen!!

                                  May God Bless You
                                  And Your Families

                                               Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                               The Cross life Ministry       

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