Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Defeat Satan, Witness

                                          Luke 10:18
                                 "And He said unto them,
                   I beheld Satan as lighting fall from heaven."

       The excitement of the return of the evangelist was high! With faces flushed with pride and hearts high with joy, they had returned to the Jesus with their reports. What wisdom it is to talk our work over with Jesus! Even the demons were subject to His Name. He was not surprised. While He had been watching, bearing them up by His intercessions, He had seen an alteration take place in the unseen world. Satan had fallen, as though the work done by these humble men had turned the scale against him. It is still the same today; what we do is of eternal importance!
        Do you remember the first time you went out to witness, and shared the Gospel. My first opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; was to several of my soldiers in my unit. I had not been saved long but I was excited, I had all the Scriptures ready to lead them down the Roman Road
to Salvation. I got so excited, when I was talking about Jesus, and the cross, and what it meant to me; and how Jesus could change them, and their families lives forever. And before I knew it the Holy Spirit had lead both of them across that"Threshold of Belief" to "Jesus Christ;" because I was leading them in the sinners prayer
        My friends that day and every day, when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared, and someone is saved; not only is the angels in heaven are praising God. To Jesus Christ' the event is like watching Satan fall from heaven, because once again Satan is defeated. So remember what we do "Now" is of eternal importance!

Reading: (Luke 10:17-20)

                                    May God Bless You
                                     And Your Families

                                                   Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                   The Cross Life Ministry

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