Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Invitation Of A Lifetime

                                         Matthew 22:3
                        "And sent fourth his servants to call them
                               that were bidden to the wedding
                                   and they would not come"

        God's invitation is not something to be tossed away.  God wanted to honor Jesus.  Many years ago His invitation went out to a needy world.  Your name is on the guest list.  You reading your bible makes it appear that you have taken advantage of that invitation; you have sat at the table of God's grace.  You have feasted with Christ, and you know what favor that comes your way, because you continually banquet with the King of Kings.
        What about those who have not listened to His voice?  What about those who daily live outside of God's plan and the thousand excuses that they offer for their agendas?  Remember in the parable those who were invited to the wedding excused themselves from the requirement of God, when they chose their agendas over God's.  One had to take care of his farm, another to his business.  All the others seized the inviting messengers and beat or killed them.
        How odd that the more things change,the more they stay the same.  Many people still today use their little agendas, their pitiful schedules and livelihoods to dismiss God's grand invitation as no big deal.  The sin of being lost rarely comes from clinging to some barricade to grace.  People are still lost because they still turn Jesus Christ and His invitation away!  The table is set!  On every plate is the guarantee of eternity.  Will you be dinning with Christ when He receives His Bride, "The Church", or have you not accepted your invitation?

                                     May God Bless You
                                      And Your Families

                                                  Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                  The Cross Life Ministry 

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