Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Protect Your Identity In Christ

                                    2 Corinthians 5:17
                        "Therefore if any man be in Christ,
                            he is a new creature old things
                              are passed away: behold all
                                   things become new"

        Knowing our true identity is only half the battle; once we know it, we have to guard it.  In our world today identity theft has spread around the world.  Just by using your bank card, your phone and your computer, and now through your gmail, and email there are people out there waiting to steal your identity in just a few seconds.  Therefore we must go through certain steps to protect our identity.
        In the same way, it is crucial we do what ever it takes to ensure we protect our identity in Christ.  "The Bible teaches us, "the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."  That's why it's so important for us to study, learn and heed to God's Holy Word.  We must hold close to the scriptures and let Christ be seen in our daily lives.  It is one thing to carry your Bible around, but quite different to actually know the word of God in your heart, ready to use it during times of challenge or crisis.
        If we're not careful to take the steps designed to protect our blood-bought identities, while we are busy moving at a fast pace and trying to have and do it all, we run the risk of the enemy stealing our true identity.  Though it's true that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy; he can only take from us what we allow him to take.  If we are confident about who we are in Christ, then nothing and no one can rob us that.  If our confidence is based on the wrong thing, we can often find ourselves floundering and no longer pursuing God's "all" for our life.   Amen!!

                                 May God Bless You
                                  And Your Families

                                              Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                              The Cross Life Ministry

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