Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Don't Get Stuck In A Rut

                                        Ecclesiastes 3:6
                            "A time to get, and a time to lose,
                        a time to keep, and a time to cast away"

        Our lives are full of things that we have said we we're going to do, (ie) get involved in a health program, starting a charity drive for the homeless, and spending more time with God on the thought of forgiveness that we all need to work on.  But what do we say; "I will start all these things tomorrow."  That seems to be our way out.  We need to confront head-on all things whether they are old or new and don't pull out that "I will do it tomorrow card."
        Now that we have recognized the problem and decided to deal with, in our minds we have already dealt with it, and that is as far as it goes.  Why?  Because that is our mind set, if we say will we do something, therefore we have already done it.  No matter what our plan is in life, or what we wish to hold on to; at some point things must be removed from our lives.  Tomorrow becomes today and until we move forward from our yesterdays into today, we will never get to our future!  Don't get stuck in the rut  of yesterdays; God has a planned future for us all.  Look forward in Christ' and then we will know the time to get, to keep, to lose, and to cast away.  AMEN!! 

                                        May God Bless You
                                         And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry 

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