Saturday, February 22, 2014

Measure For Measure

                                        1 Timothy 6:20 
                        Keep that which is committed to thy trust"

        After I accepted the calling from God to preach the gospel, I wondered what I would do.  I knew that I had very little knowledge in His Holy Word.  I knew I loved to help and share with people.  So remembering the words of Paul to the church of Thessalonians, I formed in my mind "to share with all people the gospel as written by God, but also my own self" through dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
        When I began my journey years ago on what God had lead me to do, I had no ideal it would be as rewarding as it has been and as it will continue to be by the grace of God.  I realize that I am more spiritually alive than I could ever dream of being.  I have tried to give myself to all people in which I have came in contact with;  My faith in God as the Creator of life; My trust in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, and interest in all as children of God, and my love for life.  Through all my travels with my Lord, I now have a clearer awareness of myself, God's purpose for my life and my relationship with Him.  When we serve Our God and Our Church it must be "Measure For Measure."   AMEN!!

                                       May God Bless You
                                        And Your Families     

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry     

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