Monday, August 8, 2016

The Master's Touch

  JOHN 1:1,3
"In the beginning was the Word" and the word was with God, 
and the word was God.  All things were made by Him; and 
without Him was not any thing made that was made."

     As a thought must be clothed in words before it can be known, so God clothe Himself in flesh.  John's mystical statement declares beyond question the absolute, eternal deity of the Lord Jesus as well as the manner and the meaning of His entry into human life. He walked upon the blue waters of Galilee.  The winds and the waves obeyed His command.   He healed the sick and raised the dead. He gave sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.  He cast out demons and made the lame to walk.  He turned water into wine, and fed five thousand with the lunch of a lad.
    Some people might say, well that was then.  No!  It is not just then it is now  and forever.  Just look around you, your life your family; Our God is a The Living God And His Touch has never changed. Jesus is man yet, He is more than man.  He is not God and man, but the God-man.  He is God in human flesh.  His two natures are bound together in such a way that the two become one, having a single consciousness and will.
    God's touch came through the man know as God's Son Jesus Christ , during his lifetime this world had the fiscal touch from God.  Through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ we have the eternal Spiritual touch. Through righteousness and faith and accepting Christ as our saviour the eternal Spiritual touch will never be broken. He will never leave or forsake us  (Psalm 37:28).
    Therefore God's touch is event today as it was in the beginning. He has all power in Heaven and Earth  (Matt. 28:18),  Only God has all power.  I pray to day if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Personal Saviour, that you will pray the sinners prayer:  "God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin.  I willing to turn from my sin.  I now invite  Jesus Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal saviour."  


Reading: The Harmony Of The Gospels
Ref; HG SB 
May God Bless You 
And Your Family
Minister Robert Lail
The Cross Life Ministry

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