John 11:25
"I am the resurrection, and the life;
he that believeth in me, though
he were dead, yet shall he live"
The blood or life of Christ is called our ransom and the price of our redemption. This expression is not a mere allusion! By no means! These words contain truth and reality. Christ came to redeem us from the power of sin and Satan, and He paid for our deliverance, with the price of His own blood.
Since we are sure to rise in the last days, and we believe in the hope of Resurrection; Why is it not easy for us to put off the this body of life and die, as easy as it is, for us to pull of our clothes and go to sleep? A true Christian when he dies, does not go to sleep; he rest from the labours of the past day. Death cannot separate us from the love of Christ, nor put us out of reach of his call. Like Thomas, in difficult times Christians should encourage one another. The dying of our Lord Jesus should make us willing to die when ever God calls us home.
Reading: (John 11:9-28)
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
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