Thursday, September 4, 2014

Breaking Away From Sin

                                           Romans 12:2
                       "And do not be conformed to this world:
                      but be ye transformed by renewing of your
                      mind, that ye may prove what is that good
                        and acceptable, and perfect will of God"

        How can we break free from the law of sin and begin to grow in Christ?  How can we assist in the process that will enable us to follow him?  To change our behavior, we usually need to see others that are being honest, and who are in the process of applying spiritual truths to their lives.  In our environment, and through our personal study of God's Word, we can reject earthly thoughts and replace them with those that are spiritual.  Solomon wrote, "As a man thinks within himself, so he is" (Proverbs 23:7).
        Our thoughts affects the way we feel, the way we perceive ourselves and others, and ultimately, the way we act.  The way we think can determine whether we will live according to God's Truth or the worlds value system.  The relationship of thinking, feeling and acting are not always unidirectional.  Our thoughts emotions and behaviors are dependent on each other.  Changing how we think, feel, and act is a process that involves the Holt Spirit, honesty, time, modeling affirmation and truth.  My friends never think that change in you and the breaking away from the law of sin is not by  your way, because its not, and never will be. it is only by the way of the Holy Spirit.


Reading (Romans Chapter 12)

                               May God Bless You
                                And Your Families

                                               Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                               The Cross Life Ministry   

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