Romans 12:2
"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind"
Have you ever watched a race horse being trained how to enter the starting gate, and be under the riders commands, to be patient and wait for the start gate to open? Once the gate has been opened the horse is under the full control of it's rider. The best part is, the horse knows were he runs the race best at ( inside the middle of the pack, or outside the pack so he can run freely to the finish line. But of course he must listen to He's master in order to win the race. Because really the horse knows he has to run; but the rider will be his guide.
Our Christian service and personal dedication to the Lord is similar to the race horse and his rider. Here is why! If the race horse fails at the starting gate he will fail at the finish line. He might run the race but he won't win it. The Christian who fails is the one who first failed at the alter, refusing to surrender himself completely to Christ.
True dedication is the presenting of body, mind and will to God day by day. It is not just walking an aisle once! It is daily yielding your body to Him, having your mind renewed by the word, and surrendering your will through prayer and obedience.
Some Christians obey God because they know that obedience is good for them, and they fear chastening. Others obey because they find God's will acceptable. I obey God because He gave His Son to this world; "Jesus Christ, the one who carried my sins to His cross. Jesus also carried yours and the rest of the worlds sins as well. "For God first Loved Us," I will always obey and Love Him. Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister: Robert A. Lail
The Cross Life Ministry
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