Friday, January 19, 2018

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Philippians 2:4 
"Look not every man on his own things, but every
man also on the things of others"

    There is that desire for personal prestige. However, prestige for many people is even a greater temptation than wealth. To be admired and respected, to have one's opinion sought, to be known by name and appearance, even to be flattered, are for many people the most desirable things. But the aim of the Christian should not be on self display, but be one with God. He should do good deeds, not that men may glorify him, but that they may glorify his Father in heaven. The Christian should desire to focus men's eyes not upon himself but on God. 
    The fact that we are all in Christ should keep us in unity. No man can walk in disunity with his fellow men and in unity with Christ. If one has Christ as his companion, he is also the companion of every wayfarer. A man's relationships with his fellow men are no bad indication of his relationship with Jesus Christ. 
    The power of Christian love should keep us in unity. Christian love is that unconquered good will which never knows bitterness and never seeks anything but the good of others. It is not a mere reaction of the heart, as human love is; it is a victory of the will, achieved by the help of Jesus Christ. It does not mean loving only those who love us; or those whom we like; It means an unconquerable good will even to those who hate us, to those whom we do not like. This is the very essence of the Christian life; and it affects us now and in eternity. 
    My Friends, "The Holy Spirit binds man to God and man to man." It is the Spirit who enables us to live that life of love, which is the life of God; if a man lives in disunity with his fellow men, he  shows that the gift of the Spirit is not in him.

Reading: (Phil. 2:1-4)
Ref: (HG SB; DSB)
May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry

1 comment:

  1. My have put into words the exact problem within the church today. We lift ourselves up as better than "those sinners" and separate from them as if they are contagious and some even call them "trash". There but for the grace of God might I be! Love them that they might find Christ through you! Humble ourselves to be their lowly servants before God!
