Matthew 10:30
"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
Three times in this short passage Jesus bids his disciples not to be afraid. In Christ' message there is a certain courageous fearlessness which stands him out from other men. He told them not to be afraid, and His word still tells us today not to be afraid; because there is nothing covered that will not be unveiled, and nothing hidden which will not be known. The meaning of that is this, the truth will triumph. "Great is the Truth," "and the Truth will Prevail."
My Friends, You cannot hang or exile the truth. When the Christian is involved in suffering and sacrifice and even martyrdom for his faith, he must remember that the day will come when things will be seen as they really are; and then the power of the persecutor and the heroism of Christian witness will be seen at their true value, and each will have its true reward.
A Christian must not be afraid to speak with boldness the message they have received. What Jesus has told them, they must tell to men. Christ talks to his people through the Holy Spirit and it is not just a function for the preacher but to all believers in Christ. No man can speak for Christ unless Christ has spoken to him; no man can proclaim the truth unless he has listened to the truth; and no man can tell that which he does not know.
Men do not like the truth, for, truth is like the light to sore eyes. The Christian witness is the man who knows no fear, because he knows that the judgments of eternity will correct the judgments of time. The Christian preacher and teacher is the man who listens with reverence and who speaks with courage, because he knows that, whether he listens or speaks, he is in the presence of God.
Reading: (Matt. 10:26-31)
Ref: (HG SB)
May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry