Monday, October 28, 2013

Dead Or Living

                                         Matthew 22: 32b
                                "God is not the God of the
                                    dead, but of the living"

          The question of Resurrection; was another doctrinal question that Christ answers by using the Old Testament Laws.  The question was about marriage in the next life. The question was hypothetical, using 7 brothers married to the same women, based on the Old Testament Laws of family heirs  (Gen. 38:8 and Deut. 25:10).  The scribes and Pharisees thought they had Christ caught in an answer in which He could be accused; However Christ as always spoke the truth.
          Christ carried the truths of Resurrection to a future state, further than had ever been reveled. He used the books of Moses to teach that the doctrine of resurrection is clearly taught in the Old Testament and the New Testament.  But this doctrine was kept for a more full revelation of Christ, who was the "First-Fruits" of them that slept.
          We of this world marry and are given in marriage (Luke 20: 34).  But it is for just a little while.  I know we say,  "I'll see and be with my wife or husband when I get to Heaven."  Well we are partly  right; However human marriage as we know it will no longer exist in the nest life.  Man will be as angels, that is sexless, and living in a Spiritual world.  It does not mean that we will be angels; just that we will be like them in regards to marriage.  We will reign as children of God, and not as angels.
          All errors will arise from not studying and learning the Scripture and the power of God.  In this world it's nothing but death after death, and so ends all earthly hopes, joys, and sorrows.  How dreadful is it for those who are looking for nothing better beyond the grave.  If you don't have Christ in your heart, I pray that you will seek Him and let Christ into your life, and start seeking for the good things that God as promised us in Eternity.

                                      May God Bless You 
                                       And Your Families

                                                     Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                     The Cross Life Ministry               

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