Luke 7:48
"And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven"
When Jesus forgave the sinful Women, could you fell the love that the Scriptures portrayed from the sinful women to Christ. It might seem like I am starting at the end of the story, but really it's the beginning. The Scriptures tell us that this sinful women knew that Christ was going to be at the Pharisee's house to eat. She was standing behind at His feet weeping and begin to wash His feet with her tears and dry His feet with her hair; and than kissed His feet and with the box she was carrying, she anointed His feet.
Now the Pharisee that invited Christ, said to himself, If this men was a prophet He would know what kind of women was touching Him. Well Christ knew what ever one in the room was thinking so He ask Simon a question. A creditor had two debtors, one owed a lot and the other a little; but neither could pay so he forgave both of their debts. Now which one do you say will love him the most? He answered; the one who had the most to be forgiven.
The Pharisee, instead of rejoicing in the women's repentance, confined his thoughts to her former bad character. But without free forgiveness none of us can escape the wrath to come; this our gracious Lord and Saviour has purchased with His blood. Christ by this parable forced Simon and us as well to acknowledge that the greater sinner this women had been, the greater love she ought to show to Him when Her sins were pardoned. Learn here, that sin is a debt and all are sinners, and debtors to Our Living God. The love the sinful women had for Christ at the beginning is even stronger at the end.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister: Robert A. Lail
The Cross Life Ministry
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