Matthew 6:21
"For where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also."
Our everyday life should be managed by simple wisdom in order for us to get only the things which will last. When we buy clothes, a car or furniture, we always avoid buying bad products. We make sure that they are solid craftsmanship and made to last. That is exactly what Jesus is saying here; He is telling us to concentrate on the things that last.
Jesus tells us to avoid the things that the moth can destroy. This is something that all of us are guilty of because we do have the tendency to store away things and let them stack up and eventually become destroyed. So such things like this are things that are foolish to set the heart upon.
Jesus tells us not to lay up treasures that thieves can breakthrough and steal. There is nothing permanent about a treasure which is at the mercy of any thieves. Any one whose happiness depends on things like that is doomed to disappointment. Any man whose treasure is in things is bound to lose his treasure, for in things there is no permanence, and no thing lasts forever.
Whatever is selfishly kept will be lost, but whatever is generously given away brings treasures in heaven. That was the principle of the early Christian Church.
My friends, The True Treasure is this: The only thing which a man can take out of this world into the world beyond is himself; and the finer the self he brings, the greater his treasure in heaven will be. If all through his life a man's eyes are on eternity, then he will evaluate lightly the things of this world. This world is not the end of life, it is a stage on the way; and therefore a man should never lose his heart to this world and to the things of this world. His eyes ought to be forever fixed on the goal beyond.
Reading: Matt. 6:19-21
Ref: HG SB
May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
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