Matthew 16:4
"A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign;
and there shall no sign be given unto it, but
the sign of the prophet Jonas. And
he left them, and departed."
They knew very well that a red sky in the evening would bring fine weather; and that a red sky in the morning was the warning of a storm. But they were and today's generation is blind to the signs of the times. Jesus told them that the only sign they would receive was the sign of Jonah. We have already seen what the sign of Jonah was (Matt. 12:38-40). Jonah was the prophet who converted the people of Nineveh and turned them from their evil ways towards God. Now the sign which turned the people of Nineveh to God was not the fact that Jonah was swallowed by the great sea monster. Of that they knew nothing; and Jonah never used it as a means of appeal. The sign of Jonah was Jonah himself and his message from God. It was "the coming of the prophet and the message which he brought which changed life for the people of Nineveh."
So what Jesus is saying is that, "God's sign is Jesus himself and his message." They were blind and some still are. Are we so blind that we cannot see. What more could one possibly need? There is truth and there is warning here. Jesus Christ is God's last word. Here is God plain for all to see. Here is God's message for all to hear. Here is God's Sign to man. My Friends, When we are confronted with Jesus Christ, we are confronted with God's final word and God's ultimate appeal. If that is so, what can be left for the man who throws away that last chance, who refuses to listen to that last word, who rejects that last appeal? Don't Be One, Who throws that last chance away!!!
Reading: Matt: 16;1-4
Ref: HG SB, Study Notes
May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross life Ministry