Sunday, October 21, 2018

Christ' The Pattern Of Life

Philippians 2:5  
"Let this mind be in you, which 
was also in Christ Jesus:"

    Paul's subject in Chapter two is the Christian virtue "unity."  There is encouragement and fellowship in the spirit of God. What examples did Christ leave us? Jesus left heaven's glory to unite and unify all mankind with the holy creator "God."  Christ laid aside His deity, however He was and always will be called the Son of God! There are a lot of examples that our Savior left us, and there is no way to list them all, because when you say or hear the name Jesus Christ you get that feeling of completeness.
   My Friends, there should be no desire for personal prestige. Prestige for many people is even a greater temptation than wealth. To be admired and respected, to have a platform seat, to have one's opinion sought, to be known by name and appearance, even to be flattered, these things are desired by most people. But the Christian should not be just for himself, but become one with the universe. He should do good deeds, not so he himself could be glorified by man, but that they may glorify his Father in heaven. Again, Christian's should desire to focus men's eyes not upon himself but on God, just as Jesus Christ our Savior did, "That's The Pattern Of Life!"

Reading: Phil. 2:1-30
Ref: HG SB
May God Bless You 
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry


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