Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Open And Empty Tomb

Matthew 28:1 
"In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward
the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene
and the other Mary to see the sepulcher"

    Here we have Matthew's story of the empty tomb. And there is something peculiarly fitting in that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary should be the first to receive the news of the Risen Lord and to encounter him. They had been there at the Cross; they had been there when he was laid in the tomb; and now they were receiving love's reward; they were the first to know the joy of the Resurrection.
     As we read this story of the first two people in the world to be confronted with the fact of the empty tomb and the Risen Christ, three things come to light. (1)They are urged to believe. The thing is so staggering that it might seem beyond belief, too good to be true. The angel reminds them of the promise of Jesus, and confronts them with the empty tomb; his every word is a summons to believe. It is still a fact that there are many who feel that the promises of Christ are too good to be true. That hesitation can be dispelled only by taking him as his word. 
    (2)They are urged to share. When they themselves have discovered the fact of the Risen Christ, their first duty is to proclaim it to and to share it with others. "Go, tell!" is the first command which comes to the man who has himself discovered the wonder of Jesus Christ. (3)They are urged to rejoice. The word with which the Risen Christ meets them is All hail (chairo 5463) that is the normal word of greeting; but its literal meaning is "to rejoice!" My Friends, Those who have accepted the Risen Lord as their personal Savior will live for ever in the joy of his presence from which nothing can part them any more.

Reading: Matt. 28:1-10

May God Bless You
And Your Family
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry

1 comment:

  1. Love this scriptural momentous life changing event of Christ resurrection and the empty tomb and what it means!
