Friday, December 11, 2015

The New Heaven And The New Earth (Part 2)

Revelation 21:4  
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; 
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, 
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: 
for the former things are passed away." 

         If, it is as some believe, that the "Seventh Day" of the "Creative Week" corresponds to the Millennium, then we have a prophecy of the Dispensation that follows the "Renovation of the Earth" in the "Morrow After the Sabbath."(Lev. 23:36). The Seventh day of Genesis had to do with the "Old Creation," which was imperfect, but the "Eighth Day" has to do with the "New Creation," which is perfect, for it was on the "Eighth Day," or the "First Day of the week," that our Lord arose from the dead, and 50 days later, on the "Eighth Day," that the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost. The "Eighth Day" cannot point to the Millennium, for that is represented by the "Seventh Day," neither can it point to Eternity, for a day is a Period of Time, while Eternity is Timeless. The “Eighth Day” must then point to a "period of time" between the "Renovation of the Earth" and Eternity, or what we are pleased to call the "Perfect Age."
        It is also called a Dispensation of Fullness of Times in (Eph. 1:10). That is, a "Full-Time Dispensation." The indication is, that all the previous Dispensations were not "Full-Time" Dispensations," because God had to cut them short on account of sin. As to the duration of this Dispensation of the "Fullness of Times" we are not in the dark. Israel is to have a large place in that Dispensation. "For as the New Heavens and the New Earth, which I will make shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain." (Is. 66:22). And as the duration of God's Covenant with Israel was extended in (Deut. 7:9) to a "Thousand Generations" or 33,000 years, we have an indication that the "Dispensation of the Fullness of Times" will last for at least that length of time. Now Let's look at some of the characteristics of that Age or Dispensation.

        There Will Be No Sin. All the powers of Evil will have been expelled from the earth and imprisoned in the"Lake of Fire" forever. The atmosphere of the New Earth will afford no lurking place for disease germs, and there shall be no more sickness or death, and health will be preserved by the use of the leaves of the "Tree of Life." The heavens shall not robe themselves in angry tempests and gloomily blackness, or flash with the thunderbolts of Divine wrath, or cast plagues of hail on the earth, or cause devouring floods of water with destructive wind storms. It may be that in that day a "Mist shall go up from the earth and water the whole face of the ground as in Eden."  
        We read that there shall be "No More Sea," not that there shall not be large bodies of water, because the river that flows through the street of the New City must have an outlet, but that there shall be no great oceans. The Earth shall also put on its "Eden" Beauty and Glory. There shall no longer be thorns and thistles, no parasites or destructive insects, and labor shall be a delight. No serpents shall hiss among its flowers, nor savage beasts lie in ambush to destroy and devour. Its sod shall not be heaped over newly made graves, nor its soil moistened with tears of sorrow and shame, or saturated with human blood from random killings. The meek shall inherit the earth, and from north to south, and from east to west, it shall blossom like the rose and be clothed with the verdure of Paradise Restored. 

Reading: (Rev. 21:4-8)
       (C. Larkin)

May God Bless You
And Your Families

Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry

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