Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ask, Seek, Knock!

Matthew 7: 7
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek
 and ye shall find; knock and it
 shall be opened unto you;"

        Any man who prays is bound to want to know to what kind of God he is praying to. He wants to know in what kind of atmosphere his prayers will be heard. Is he praying to a grudging God out of whom every gift has to be squeezed and coerced. Is he praying to a mocking God whose gifts may well be double-edged?  No! He Is praying to a God whose heart is so kind that he is more ready to give than we are to ask? 
        This scripture was given to us, to show us three ways we can get God's help. It is three ways we access to through prayer, "Ask, Seek, and Knock. But if you really think about it we are slack on using them for godly purposes.  Ask, Seek and knock are words from God. These are steps God gave us for getting His help in our own lives and family and friends as well. If we use them and not include God, they are useless.
        There is a lesson here; God will always answer our prayers; but He will answer them in His way, and His way will be the way of perfect wisdom and of perfect love. If God answered our prayers as we desired every time, it would be the worst thing possible for us; because in our ignorance we often ask for gifts which would be our ruin. Jesus tells us, not only that God will answer, but that God will answer in wisdom and in love. "Just Three Words Can Change Your Life; Ask, Seek, Knock."

Reading: (Matt. 7:7-12) 
               (Luke 11:1-13)

May God Bless You
And Your Families

Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry

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