Thursday, March 19, 2015


                                          Luke 1:48
                        "For behold, from henceforth all
                        generations shall call me blessed."

         This verse contains one of the most misunderstood words in the New Testament. It is the phrase "All generations shall call me blessed;" However the word I want us to grasp here is "blessed."  Blessed is the first word in all the Beatitudes, and it is followed by the word "are" which means to the second and third person's. Mary rightly was the first person to be "highly blessed by God;"  However She was not meant to be pray to as an intercessor to God. The Greek translation says, which in reality means "They shall bless me."
        When we speak of being blessed, it means to have the kingdom of God within one's heart because of Christ, and as a result of being fully satisfied in Christ. A blessed person is one whom God makes fully satisfied, not because of favorable circumstances, but because He indwells the believer through Christ.
        The word "Blessed' in this verse means; "is worthy, and well spoken of." When a person blesses God, and yes you should bless God, he is speaking well of Him, which is praising and thanking Him.  When we ask God to bless another, we are not asking Him to approve the plans that have been made, we are asking for the care, guardianship, and Divine direction of the Holy Spirit to affect His heart and life. In closing, let me say; "As we look upon our blessing from God, let's not forget to "Bless Our God!

Reading: ( Luke 1:46-56)
               ( Matt. 5:1-12)

                                May God Bless You
                                 And Your Families

                                              Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                              The Cross life Ministry                      

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