Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Life! How Will You Live It?

                                          Psalm 71:17
               "O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and
                   hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works."

        We all have heard or have been told, "to live for yourself."  If others lived that way, what would that do to their relationship with you?  Of course some people just say "I'm true to myself." OK! That's fine, but what if self is a mess?  The Question to ask; is there something larger than oneself; something better, or someone worth really living living for?
        Many of us live for our dreams.  But dreams fail, so were do we turn then?  If that don't work for us, others say, "follow your heart."  Well the problem with that is; how can you follow a heart that is shattered?  You will find that your feelings have become confused.  Can we look beyond ourselves to something more dependable than being only human?  Life spills away like water, so what's the purpose to feed a body that just dies too soon?  Is there more to reality than this surface view of life?
        We are brought up to follow a religion in which our families follow.  Therefore; for many people, their choices were made for them.  We are born into beliefs where we live and learn, and most of the time we haven't actually reached our own conclusions.  In a world like this, how can we respect others beliefs.  Who's beliefs are true or Good?  Is there a better way to live your live?
        Yes!  There is a Book that God inspired man to write, called The Holy Bible.  In the Bible you will find, "The Greatest Story Ever Told; The Gospel Of Jesus Christ."   Christ did not live for Himself, but for His Father "GOD."  All life comes from God, therefore all life should be lived for God.  No matter what your religion is or what you were taught,  I'm here to tell you, there is only one God. The God that came down from heaven and live as a man, called Jesus without sin, and then gave His live to pay our sin debt so that we could have eternal life with Him.

Reference: (Matt. 1:18-25)
                  (Matt. 27:32-44)

                                           May God Bless You
                                            And Your Families

                                                         Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                         The Cross Life Ministry      

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