Friday, August 22, 2014

No Grace, No Hope, No Life!

                                          Romans 5:13
                       "For until the law sin was in the world:
                               but sin is not imputed when
                                         there is no law"

       After reading this Scripture above, we realize the blessings that Christ procured for us, by comparing them with the evil, which was place upon every human from our first father Adam.  After Adam sinned, his nature became guilty and corrupted, and therefore spread to his seed.  So through him all have sinned. And death is by sin.  If Adam had not sinned, he would not have died; but a sentence of death was passed upon all as upon a criminal.  It is like an disease that no one could escape.  With our union with Adam and our part in his first transgression, sin prevailed in the world.
        Before Moses received the law from God, death reigned for a long time, not only on willful adult sinners but on multitudes of infants as well.  So all had fallen into condemnation and sin extended to all his future generations.
        Now after viewing our end at our beginning, you can see that with out the Law first; and God's gift eternal life through Jesus Christ, your end will be the same as if you had died during the time death reigned.  Thank God for His grace and our salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ our Saviour;  For He is the Lord of our righteousness.  I pray this day, if you don't know Jesus Christ, you will accept Christ in your heart, and receive your gift of eternal life today.

Ref: Romans 5:12-21

                                      May God Bless You
                                       And Your Families

                                                     Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                     The Cross Life Ministry               

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