Mark 2:21
"No man also seweth a peace of new cloth on
an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh
away from the old, and the rent is made worse"
This verse is one that has been read over and over by many a Christians, but not really thought about in their studies. Then there are those that have studied the verse, but with different ways of
teaching its meaning. The common meaning is this: An old garment, if it be torn, should be mended by a patch of old material; for if a patch of new material is used the strength or fullness takes away from the old garment. The end result is "the old and new will never agree."
Christ made these words plain and simple so even a child could understand. Christ' parable of the new cloth being used to make old cloth fuller (ie) dressed up, is exactly how we must understand the "New Birth in Christ and the divine nature of man (2 Peter 1:4). And the natural man who is governed by his environment, which comes from the fallen Adamic nature (ie) he does not possess the indwelling Spirit of God. They are different and will not work together, because the opposite of doctrine of Good and Evil. It would be like dressing something up and the ugly still shines through. Don't try to live both life's, live only for Christ!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
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