Thursday, June 26, 2014

How Much Do You Give Back To God?

                                        Job 27:4
                        "My lips shall not speak wickedness,
                              nor my tongue utter deceit"

        Have you ever been told that it doesn't pay to be good.  From the days of Job right up to the here and now the righteous have suffered, while the evil have flourished.  But we should never mind that!  The righteous shall flourish.  God created us to be a upright people dedicated only to Him.  We have the knowledge to travel to space and we strive to understand the unknown.  But how much do we give back to our God.  We honor our mission statements for our businesses, but we have no problem lowering God standards when it comes to our tongue. Mankind is full of wickedness and deceit; However this shall be overcome, For once we received Jesus Christ as our Saviour, He gave us the power to be sons of God.  Under the hand of God we are surrounded with, "love" "hope"and "peace" and God is faithful to His promise. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering" (Hebrews 10:23).   Amen!!

                                May God Bless You
                                 And Your Families

                                              Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                              The Cross Life Ministry           

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