Jeremiah 29:13
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when
ye shall search for me with all your heart"
How deeply do you believe? Do you believe superficially, without depth or commitment? The book of Jeremiah assures us that true believers will have a future filled with hope and a bountiful future. Pray big! Think big! Your life is going to be in proportion to how greatly you believe, Jesus said, "anything is possible for someone who has faith" (Mark 9:23).
This does not mean that you will get ever thing that you want. What Jesus meant is this, if you believe big, you move things out of the realm of the impossible into the realm of the possible. Believe little, you get little. So believe big and open yourself up to all the possibilities that God has in mind for you. If you give yourself with all your heart, you are going to live a fullfilled and rewarding life.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
How Much Do You Give Back To God?
Job 27:4
"My lips shall not speak wickedness,
nor my tongue utter deceit"
Have you ever been told that it doesn't pay to be good. From the days of Job right up to the here and now the righteous have suffered, while the evil have flourished. But we should never mind that! The righteous shall flourish. God created us to be a upright people dedicated only to Him. We have the knowledge to travel to space and we strive to understand the unknown. But how much do we give back to our God. We honor our mission statements for our businesses, but we have no problem lowering God standards when it comes to our tongue. Mankind is full of wickedness and deceit; However this shall be overcome, For once we received Jesus Christ as our Saviour, He gave us the power to be sons of God. Under the hand of God we are surrounded with, "love" "hope"and "peace" and God is faithful to His promise. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering" (Hebrews 10:23). Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"My lips shall not speak wickedness,
nor my tongue utter deceit"
Have you ever been told that it doesn't pay to be good. From the days of Job right up to the here and now the righteous have suffered, while the evil have flourished. But we should never mind that! The righteous shall flourish. God created us to be a upright people dedicated only to Him. We have the knowledge to travel to space and we strive to understand the unknown. But how much do we give back to our God. We honor our mission statements for our businesses, but we have no problem lowering God standards when it comes to our tongue. Mankind is full of wickedness and deceit; However this shall be overcome, For once we received Jesus Christ as our Saviour, He gave us the power to be sons of God. Under the hand of God we are surrounded with, "love" "hope"and "peace" and God is faithful to His promise. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering" (Hebrews 10:23). Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Back To The Homeland
Ezekiel 37:5
"Thus saith the Lord God unto these
bones; Behold, I will cause breath
to enter into you, and ye shall live"
This vision of the "Valley Of Dry Bones" was given to Ezekiel to reassure the exiles that the promises of God are secure. After they had been away from their homeland for so long, they felt like dry bones; all their hope was gone. Nevertheless, God affirmed that He would bring them back to their homeland from wherever they were. This vision is explicitly concerned with God's renewal of His promises to Israel. God's spirit is placed within Israel, (Ezek 37:14), and the reign of the Messiah begins (Ezek 37:24,25). Throughout the Bible, the Scriptures remind us that God is going to fulfill all of His promises to Israel and return them to their homeland.
God has also made a covenant with us (Gentiles) as well. When sin entered through Adam, all humanity became exiled from God. Because of sin we have no hope and are as dry bones, But God, through His Grace made it possible many years ago for all mankind to reunite with Him; through, the blood of Jesus Christ, our Savoir. That's not all: for God has given us a Comforter; The Holy Spirit, through Him we will be renewed, we will find purpose in our life and we shall find peace. My friends that peace will be ever lasting peace. "Believe in Jesus Christ ," "Have Faith in God" and love one another as God loves us.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Thus saith the Lord God unto these
bones; Behold, I will cause breath
to enter into you, and ye shall live"
This vision of the "Valley Of Dry Bones" was given to Ezekiel to reassure the exiles that the promises of God are secure. After they had been away from their homeland for so long, they felt like dry bones; all their hope was gone. Nevertheless, God affirmed that He would bring them back to their homeland from wherever they were. This vision is explicitly concerned with God's renewal of His promises to Israel. God's spirit is placed within Israel, (Ezek 37:14), and the reign of the Messiah begins (Ezek 37:24,25). Throughout the Bible, the Scriptures remind us that God is going to fulfill all of His promises to Israel and return them to their homeland.
God has also made a covenant with us (Gentiles) as well. When sin entered through Adam, all humanity became exiled from God. Because of sin we have no hope and are as dry bones, But God, through His Grace made it possible many years ago for all mankind to reunite with Him; through, the blood of Jesus Christ, our Savoir. That's not all: for God has given us a Comforter; The Holy Spirit, through Him we will be renewed, we will find purpose in our life and we shall find peace. My friends that peace will be ever lasting peace. "Believe in Jesus Christ ," "Have Faith in God" and love one another as God loves us.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Nothing Defeats Hope
Psalm 31:24
"Be of good courage, and he shall
strengthen your heart, all ye
that hope in the Lord"
What is it about "Hope" that makes it so important? Why did Jesus put it up there alongside faith and love? Maybe it is as simple as this: Even when it is fragile and desperately clung to, hope is the expectation that what is wanted can be had. Hope believes that events will turn out for the best, that there is a secure future, that good will prevail.
Where there is "Hope" there is life. Never more than now do we need to be hopeful. Hope rises above hard times, the perception that our society's values are eroding and the war this country has gone through, and is still going through, "Yes we need "Hope to rise above these things. If you hope, you will inspire another to hope, and than others will follow. Hold fast to hope and make it contagious. Confide your deepest hopes to God, believe that He will hear them and deliver back what is best for you. Nothing defeats hope. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Be of good courage, and he shall
strengthen your heart, all ye
that hope in the Lord"
What is it about "Hope" that makes it so important? Why did Jesus put it up there alongside faith and love? Maybe it is as simple as this: Even when it is fragile and desperately clung to, hope is the expectation that what is wanted can be had. Hope believes that events will turn out for the best, that there is a secure future, that good will prevail.
Where there is "Hope" there is life. Never more than now do we need to be hopeful. Hope rises above hard times, the perception that our society's values are eroding and the war this country has gone through, and is still going through, "Yes we need "Hope to rise above these things. If you hope, you will inspire another to hope, and than others will follow. Hold fast to hope and make it contagious. Confide your deepest hopes to God, believe that He will hear them and deliver back what is best for you. Nothing defeats hope. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Monday, June 23, 2014
Be A Possibility Thinker
Psalm 27:1
"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear? the Lord is the of
my life; of whom shall I be afraid"
Have you ever noticed how it is that so many of the greatest among us have risen from disadvantaged circumstances? There is one trait they all share; they are possibility thinkers. Not one of them said, "I'm afraid I'll never make it" or "I haven't got what it takes." Thoughts like theses are dangerous. If you go along telling yourself that you are worthless, your subconscious is going to believe it after a while. Your subconscious is very accommodating. It will send up to you exactly what you send down to it.
Never mind your circumstances, go with your heart and follow God. You will never know what God has in store for you until first believe in yourself and have faith in God and what He has promised those that believe in "His Son Jesus Christ our Saviour." Therefore stand with Christ and be what God created you to be. Stand with Christ and be a light to this sin-filled world. God is our Father and He has great hopes for us all. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear? the Lord is the of
my life; of whom shall I be afraid"
Have you ever noticed how it is that so many of the greatest among us have risen from disadvantaged circumstances? There is one trait they all share; they are possibility thinkers. Not one of them said, "I'm afraid I'll never make it" or "I haven't got what it takes." Thoughts like theses are dangerous. If you go along telling yourself that you are worthless, your subconscious is going to believe it after a while. Your subconscious is very accommodating. It will send up to you exactly what you send down to it.
Never mind your circumstances, go with your heart and follow God. You will never know what God has in store for you until first believe in yourself and have faith in God and what He has promised those that believe in "His Son Jesus Christ our Saviour." Therefore stand with Christ and be what God created you to be. Stand with Christ and be a light to this sin-filled world. God is our Father and He has great hopes for us all. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Fear God And Keep His Commandments
Ecclesiastes 12:13
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his Commandments: for
this is the whole duty of man."
Solomon had been on a long journey. The journey was a life of futility and emptiness. At the end, he puts all his words into a proper perspective. All the things done for selfish gain are unimportant, pointless, and futile because they are all secondary. Therefore the primary focus of man should be to "fear God and keep His Commandments."
The only proper course for the believer to follow is one that is God ordained. We must keep in mind that God will eventually evaluate all the deeds that are done in order to reveal the motives behind them. All things will be brought before God, even the things done in secret. God's evaluation will be conducted based on the obedience to the commandments that He has given as a guide for our Christian life and walk with Him. Listen and fear God, "Yes" trust in God, "Yes" then walk in faith with God! Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his Commandments: for
this is the whole duty of man."
Solomon had been on a long journey. The journey was a life of futility and emptiness. At the end, he puts all his words into a proper perspective. All the things done for selfish gain are unimportant, pointless, and futile because they are all secondary. Therefore the primary focus of man should be to "fear God and keep His Commandments."
The only proper course for the believer to follow is one that is God ordained. We must keep in mind that God will eventually evaluate all the deeds that are done in order to reveal the motives behind them. All things will be brought before God, even the things done in secret. God's evaluation will be conducted based on the obedience to the commandments that He has given as a guide for our Christian life and walk with Him. Listen and fear God, "Yes" trust in God, "Yes" then walk in faith with God! Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Life After Death
Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:
and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it"
Life after death has always been a part of God's revealed faith. This is seen in that Enoch "was not on earth for God took him" Gen. 5:24. However there are some who deny that there is such a thing as an "immortal soul" which is separate from the body. Some believe that all those who have died are now in a state of unconsciousness and will remain so until the resurrection of the dead by God. However, the Bible plainly teaches that the soul exists even after death (Luke 16:19-31; 2Cor. 5:8). There are examples of those who expressed a knowledge of an existence after death throughout the Old Testament.
David expected to be reunited with his dead child (2 Sam. 12:23); Job spoke of a bodily resurrection and communion with God; and even Isaiah made reference to a life after death (Is. 26:19). There are a number of passages in Psalms that reflect expectations of rewards and punishment after death. This verse in Ecclesiastes chapter twelve provides the basis for the concept of a person being both material an immaterial. The two results of death are seen here: the "dust," which is the material part, returns to its place of origin; while the "spirit," the immaterial part, returns to God who gave it to man at creation "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2:7). In fact , in 2 Timothy 1:10, the Apostle Paul states that in Christ resurrection from the dead, "He abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." He is referring to the day when there will be a reuniting of the body and the soul for those who have trusted in Christ for Salvation. I ask you today; "Will you be at the Great reunion, or will you experience the second death." I Pray that you have chose Christ. Amen!!1
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:
and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it"
Life after death has always been a part of God's revealed faith. This is seen in that Enoch "was not on earth for God took him" Gen. 5:24. However there are some who deny that there is such a thing as an "immortal soul" which is separate from the body. Some believe that all those who have died are now in a state of unconsciousness and will remain so until the resurrection of the dead by God. However, the Bible plainly teaches that the soul exists even after death (Luke 16:19-31; 2Cor. 5:8). There are examples of those who expressed a knowledge of an existence after death throughout the Old Testament.
David expected to be reunited with his dead child (2 Sam. 12:23); Job spoke of a bodily resurrection and communion with God; and even Isaiah made reference to a life after death (Is. 26:19). There are a number of passages in Psalms that reflect expectations of rewards and punishment after death. This verse in Ecclesiastes chapter twelve provides the basis for the concept of a person being both material an immaterial. The two results of death are seen here: the "dust," which is the material part, returns to its place of origin; while the "spirit," the immaterial part, returns to God who gave it to man at creation "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2:7). In fact , in 2 Timothy 1:10, the Apostle Paul states that in Christ resurrection from the dead, "He abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." He is referring to the day when there will be a reuniting of the body and the soul for those who have trusted in Christ for Salvation. I ask you today; "Will you be at the Great reunion, or will you experience the second death." I Pray that you have chose Christ. Amen!!1
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Friday, June 13, 2014
Serve And Devote Life To God
Ecclesiastes 12:1
"Remember now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth, while the evil days come not"
Solomon made this admonition to young men and women, warning them about the dangers of not restraining one's fleshly desires. Solomon had failed in this area. He had many wives and a lot of earthly riches all of what turned his heart away from serving God. (1 Kings 11:1-8). At the end of his life he wrote to encourage young people to follow God while they are still in their youth; so that in their old age, they could look back on a fruitful life, having been blessed of God.
When we use the term "Creator" that along reveals that we as His "Creations" owes a great debt to our "Creator". How can we do less than serve and devote our life to God? When this fact is realized, then one can reflect on his life with peace in his heart. The result of this reflection is the acknowledgment that the pleasures of one's life cannot compare to the joy that comes from living for God. Let's serve our God faithfully, and not yield to fleshly desires, and we will not be held captive by them. Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Remember now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth, while the evil days come not"
Solomon made this admonition to young men and women, warning them about the dangers of not restraining one's fleshly desires. Solomon had failed in this area. He had many wives and a lot of earthly riches all of what turned his heart away from serving God. (1 Kings 11:1-8). At the end of his life he wrote to encourage young people to follow God while they are still in their youth; so that in their old age, they could look back on a fruitful life, having been blessed of God.
When we use the term "Creator" that along reveals that we as His "Creations" owes a great debt to our "Creator". How can we do less than serve and devote our life to God? When this fact is realized, then one can reflect on his life with peace in his heart. The result of this reflection is the acknowledgment that the pleasures of one's life cannot compare to the joy that comes from living for God. Let's serve our God faithfully, and not yield to fleshly desires, and we will not be held captive by them. Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Work's For God, Are Never Lost Or Forgotten
Galatians 5:9
"And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap
if we faint not"
Excuse not thyself with the good thou hast done, from the good thou hast further to do. It is not lost, but well laid out. We have reason to expect evil, for we are born to trouble; it is wisdom to do good in the day of prosperity. Riches cannot profit us if we do not benefit others. Every man must labour to be a blessing to that place where the providence of God casts him. Wherever we are, we may find good work to do, if we have but hearts to do it.
If we magnify every little difficulty, start objections, and fancy hardships, we shall never go on, much less go through with our work. Winds and clouds of tribulation are in God's hands, designed to try us. God's work shall agree with His word, whether we see it or not. And we may well trust God to provide for us, without anxious, disquieting cares. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap
if we faint not"
Excuse not thyself with the good thou hast done, from the good thou hast further to do. It is not lost, but well laid out. We have reason to expect evil, for we are born to trouble; it is wisdom to do good in the day of prosperity. Riches cannot profit us if we do not benefit others. Every man must labour to be a blessing to that place where the providence of God casts him. Wherever we are, we may find good work to do, if we have but hearts to do it.
If we magnify every little difficulty, start objections, and fancy hardships, we shall never go on, much less go through with our work. Winds and clouds of tribulation are in God's hands, designed to try us. God's work shall agree with His word, whether we see it or not. And we may well trust God to provide for us, without anxious, disquieting cares. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Monday, June 9, 2014
God Is In Control Of Man's Destiny
Ecclesiastes 8:8a
"There is no man that hath power over the
spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he
power in the day of death:"
The Scripture is telling us that no man can control the time of his death. When the time comes for a person to die, there is no power within him to stop or even delay it from happening. The attitude of uncertainty concerning death and not being able to escape it, has plagued mankind since the fall of Adam. If we knew the specific time that the end was coming, we would certainly seek to delay it.
The truth is God is in control of man's destiny. Only Christ was able to say that He had the "power to lay His life down" and the "power to take it again" (John 10:18). In man's view, the only solution for death is to attempt to prolong life. Medical methods have improved over the centuries, but it is still by God's grace and power that He allows people to keep on living. Man has been appointed a time for death (Hebrews 9:27). Even in the Christians life, he must acknowledge that becoming a believer does not make him exempt from death. For the believer, there is the promise of eternal life following death which should be a source of hope to continue living for God. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"There is no man that hath power over the
spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he
power in the day of death:"
The Scripture is telling us that no man can control the time of his death. When the time comes for a person to die, there is no power within him to stop or even delay it from happening. The attitude of uncertainty concerning death and not being able to escape it, has plagued mankind since the fall of Adam. If we knew the specific time that the end was coming, we would certainly seek to delay it.
The truth is God is in control of man's destiny. Only Christ was able to say that He had the "power to lay His life down" and the "power to take it again" (John 10:18). In man's view, the only solution for death is to attempt to prolong life. Medical methods have improved over the centuries, but it is still by God's grace and power that He allows people to keep on living. Man has been appointed a time for death (Hebrews 9:27). Even in the Christians life, he must acknowledge that becoming a believer does not make him exempt from death. For the believer, there is the promise of eternal life following death which should be a source of hope to continue living for God. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Friday, June 6, 2014
Be Watchful Of A Wrong Attitude About Serving God
Ecclesiastes 7:16
"Be not righteous over much; neither make
thyself over wise: why shouldest
thou destroy thyself"
The first thing a non-believer would probably say about this verses is; "If I can't be righteous in all things, than how can I be righteous at all." The answer to that is, if the truth is applied to his heart there would be no question of his righteousness. But what Solomon is saying here is that there is a possibility that in doing righteous things, one may become ritualistic, and merely going through the formality of religion. What is seen must in mankind today, be it christian or non-believer is that they interpret this passage as giving them the right to establish one's own standards and rules in his own mind for living life. However, be watchful for, God examines the heart of the individual and knows the motives behind one's actions.
The phrase that Solomon used here "righteous over much," describes the Pharisees' vain approach to service to God. One must remember that Solomon was not writing about the nature of righteous, but against the development of a wrong attitude about serving God. Examine your attitude today. Is the truth applied to your heart? Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Be not righteous over much; neither make
thyself over wise: why shouldest
thou destroy thyself"
The first thing a non-believer would probably say about this verses is; "If I can't be righteous in all things, than how can I be righteous at all." The answer to that is, if the truth is applied to his heart there would be no question of his righteousness. But what Solomon is saying here is that there is a possibility that in doing righteous things, one may become ritualistic, and merely going through the formality of religion. What is seen must in mankind today, be it christian or non-believer is that they interpret this passage as giving them the right to establish one's own standards and rules in his own mind for living life. However, be watchful for, God examines the heart of the individual and knows the motives behind one's actions.
The phrase that Solomon used here "righteous over much," describes the Pharisees' vain approach to service to God. One must remember that Solomon was not writing about the nature of righteous, but against the development of a wrong attitude about serving God. Examine your attitude today. Is the truth applied to your heart? Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Thursday, June 5, 2014
God Provides Companionship, Therefore Let's Use It!
Ecclesiastes 4:12
"And if one prevail against him, two shall
withstand him; and a threefold cord
is not quickly broken"
Solomon is pointing out the advantages of companionship, as he presents the illustration to show how God in mercy provides help to those who will depend on Him. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-11, Solomon explains examples how this concept of companionship is beneficial. He shows that there are definite advantages to working together. He also revealed how terrible the circumstances would be if one had to face adversity alone.
This concept of unity and working together is show throughout the Scriptures. From the time of creation, God provided companionship by making a help for Adam (Gen. 2:18). Even Christ, in the commissioning of His disciples, sent them "two by two" (Luke 10:1-3). He knew that they would face adversity and persecution from the world. Churches and Believers today has some what forgotten this concept of companionship that God has given us. This my friends is a very important help that God has given to us. However, since creation man has so easily ignored this concept of "unity with God as the body of believers" and have no care for one another as we should. Churches let's pull together and put "unity" back in God's House and our own as well. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"And if one prevail against him, two shall
withstand him; and a threefold cord
is not quickly broken"
Solomon is pointing out the advantages of companionship, as he presents the illustration to show how God in mercy provides help to those who will depend on Him. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-11, Solomon explains examples how this concept of companionship is beneficial. He shows that there are definite advantages to working together. He also revealed how terrible the circumstances would be if one had to face adversity alone.
This concept of unity and working together is show throughout the Scriptures. From the time of creation, God provided companionship by making a help for Adam (Gen. 2:18). Even Christ, in the commissioning of His disciples, sent them "two by two" (Luke 10:1-3). He knew that they would face adversity and persecution from the world. Churches and Believers today has some what forgotten this concept of companionship that God has given us. This my friends is a very important help that God has given to us. However, since creation man has so easily ignored this concept of "unity with God as the body of believers" and have no care for one another as we should. Churches let's pull together and put "unity" back in God's House and our own as well. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
All Things Work Out According To God's Purpose
Ecclesiastes 3:1
"To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven"
Solomon continue his defense of his labors in the flesh, and man today still does the same by suggesting that there must be some profit in seeking to establish stability in one's life. During Solomon's time there was much changing going on in the world, just as our world around us is changing daily. Solomon trusted in the things he thought had provided him with security. Man today still thinks the same about what provides security in life. Today we must change our way of thinking in what we think gives us security.
There is only One who keeps the world in order; "That is God." God is the one who causes all things to happen in their "season" and gives everything a "purpose." God is all-knowing. He knows the end of everything, and all that is done is controlled by His hand. All events in history have been fitted into God's timetable, from the deliverance of His chosen people to the prophecies about the coming of Christ.
Christ came and accomplished all the Fathers will just as it had been planned. God's purpose had been carried out specifically in regard to the time of Christ's incarnation. The fact that God is immutable and unaffected by the circumstances of this world is incomprehensible to the human mind. However, I do know this; "the only way to find true happiness is in knowing that God works all things out according to His purpose.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr
The Cross Life Ministry
"To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven"
Solomon continue his defense of his labors in the flesh, and man today still does the same by suggesting that there must be some profit in seeking to establish stability in one's life. During Solomon's time there was much changing going on in the world, just as our world around us is changing daily. Solomon trusted in the things he thought had provided him with security. Man today still thinks the same about what provides security in life. Today we must change our way of thinking in what we think gives us security.
There is only One who keeps the world in order; "That is God." God is the one who causes all things to happen in their "season" and gives everything a "purpose." God is all-knowing. He knows the end of everything, and all that is done is controlled by His hand. All events in history have been fitted into God's timetable, from the deliverance of His chosen people to the prophecies about the coming of Christ.
Christ came and accomplished all the Fathers will just as it had been planned. God's purpose had been carried out specifically in regard to the time of Christ's incarnation. The fact that God is immutable and unaffected by the circumstances of this world is incomprehensible to the human mind. However, I do know this; "the only way to find true happiness is in knowing that God works all things out according to His purpose.
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr
The Cross Life Ministry
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Live Today, While It's Still Today
Ecclesiastes 2:24
"There is nothing better for a man, than
that he should eat and drink, and that
he should make his soul
good in his labor"
Solomon reflected on all that he had accomplished, and the result of it all was emptiness and had become unprofitable. Solomon had not learned how to restrain his desires and therefore his feelings had become "vanity and vexation of spirit." We must pay attention to what Solomon is saying! Solomon was not expressing that man should keep the pleasures that he enjoys in his life in perspective with his responsibility to God. (1 Tim 4:4,5; 6:17).
What we should understand is that all good things that come about as a result of the fulfillment of fleshly desires are empty and unprofitable. However, if a man works diligently acknowledging that God's hand is on his life, he will be blessed. Man must exhibit a pure heart in all his actions, and the way to do that is to "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31. Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"There is nothing better for a man, than
that he should eat and drink, and that
he should make his soul
good in his labor"
Solomon reflected on all that he had accomplished, and the result of it all was emptiness and had become unprofitable. Solomon had not learned how to restrain his desires and therefore his feelings had become "vanity and vexation of spirit." We must pay attention to what Solomon is saying! Solomon was not expressing that man should keep the pleasures that he enjoys in his life in perspective with his responsibility to God. (1 Tim 4:4,5; 6:17).
What we should understand is that all good things that come about as a result of the fulfillment of fleshly desires are empty and unprofitable. However, if a man works diligently acknowledging that God's hand is on his life, he will be blessed. Man must exhibit a pure heart in all his actions, and the way to do that is to "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31. Amen!!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
Monday, June 2, 2014
A Motive Check-Up For Serving God!
Job 1:9
"Then Satan answered the Lord, and said,
Doth Job fear God for naught?"
It is evident that Satan was challenging the motive behind Job's worship and service to God. Satan wanted show that the reason Job was so faithful and lived as he did was only because God had blessed him. But we know this was not so, because Job served God from his heart. God's purpose in allowing these trials to come on job was to purify and strengthen Job's faith in Him.
God judges men on the motives behind their actions, not the actions themselves. I have heard it said many times over that, "if you don't fear the God you'll be sorry." First of all God first loved us so why would He want you to serve Him out of fear. Some believe that believer's will suffer even though they are living godly lives. However, this is not true of the christian life, nor of Job's situation. The Scriptures explicitly state that the righteous will be blessed in this life and that which is to come. We as Christians can expect times in our walk with God, that He will see fit to test the believer for the purpose of strengthening and purifying his faith. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
"Then Satan answered the Lord, and said,
Doth Job fear God for naught?"
It is evident that Satan was challenging the motive behind Job's worship and service to God. Satan wanted show that the reason Job was so faithful and lived as he did was only because God had blessed him. But we know this was not so, because Job served God from his heart. God's purpose in allowing these trials to come on job was to purify and strengthen Job's faith in Him.
God judges men on the motives behind their actions, not the actions themselves. I have heard it said many times over that, "if you don't fear the God you'll be sorry." First of all God first loved us so why would He want you to serve Him out of fear. Some believe that believer's will suffer even though they are living godly lives. However, this is not true of the christian life, nor of Job's situation. The Scriptures explicitly state that the righteous will be blessed in this life and that which is to come. We as Christians can expect times in our walk with God, that He will see fit to test the believer for the purpose of strengthening and purifying his faith. Amen!!
May God Bless You
And Your Families
Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
The Cross Life Ministry
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