Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Caring Heart And A Willing Mind

                                         2 Corinthians 8:12
                            "For if there be first a willing mind, it is
                             accepted according to that a man hath 
                              and not according to that he hath not"

        Paul was very confident of Titus when he was chosen to travel with Paul as messengers of the Churches and for the glory of Christ.  Titus had the love of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, however he was under the direction of the Churches and the guidance of Paul.  But in Macedonia Titus moved on his own.  He had the care in his heart and a willing mind to move forward on his own accord.  All Titus had was Christ in his heart and a willing mind, and He made a difference in peoples lives by sharing with them The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  What a great example for us to follow;  a man so eager to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and one who did not wait for some one to say it was ok to do so.  We all say we have the care in our heart for The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  But do we have the willing mind to act on it.   Amen!!

                                        May God Bless You
                                         And Your Families

                                                     Minister Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                     The Cross Life Ministry                           

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