Friday, April 25, 2014

Warning Against Wantoning

                                         Luke: 10:20
                         "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,
                          that the spirits are subject unto you;
                             but rather rejoice, because your
                               names are written in heaven"

        As Christians workers, worldliness is not our snare, sin is not our snare, but spiritual wantoning is, by taking the pattern and print of the religious age we live in, making eyes at spiritual success.  Never go or do anything without the approval of God.  Jesus told His disciples not to rejoice in successful service, and yet this seems to be the one thing in which most of us do rejoice.  We have the commercial view, so many souls saved and sanctified, thank God, now for it's all right to do so.  Our work begins where God's grace has laid the foundation; we are not to save souls, but to disciple them. Salvation and sanctification are the work of God's sovereign grace; our work as His disciples is to disciple lives until they are wholly yielded to God.  One life wholly devoted to God is of more value to God than one hundred lives simply awakened by His Spirit.  As workers for God we must reproduce our own kind spiritually, and that will be God's witness to us as workers.  God brings us to a standard of life by His grace,and we are responsible for reproducing that standard in others.   Amen!!

                                      May God Bless You
                                       And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail Sr.
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry                            

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