Thursday, August 15, 2013

Finding And Being Found

                                           John 1: 43,45
                         "The day following, Jesus would go fourth
                                unto Galilee, and findeth Philip"
                         "Philip findeth Nathanael, and said unto him
                                       we have found him"

          During a Bible class a student said,  "When I found Jesus I was-----"  but he didn't get to finish his sentence.  The teacher had stop him and said,  "You found Him? I didn't know that He was lost."  Seeing that all was shocked by his statement, he quickly put everyone to ease.  He told the class that he done this to make this point;  We seek and find God because He First sought and found us.
          In His parables about the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son, Jesus emphasized the truth that God seeks us.  But the prophet Isaiah declared man's responsibility when he said,  "seek the Lord while He may be found."  Both sides of this truth are seen in John 1, first Jesus found Philip (v.43) later, Philip told Nathanael that he had found Jesus (v.45).
          If you know the Lord as your Savior, you should realize that God took the initiative to make your relationship with Him possible.  His Spirit convicted you of sin and created in your heart a desire to be saved so that you could know the joy of finding Christ.  Just as "we love Him because he first loved us, so also we found Him because He first found us."

                     "CHRIST FOUND YOU A LONG TIME AGO"
                         "DON'T WAIT! FIND CHRIST TODAY"!

                                      May God Bless You
                                       And Your Families

                                                    Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                    The Cross Life Ministry        

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