Sunday, May 12, 2013

Let's Get Real

                                                      Luke 21:19
                                  "In your patience possess ye your souls"

          When a man is born again, there is not the same robustness in his thinking or reasoning for a time as before.  We have to make an expression of the new life, to form the mind of Christ.  "Acquire your soul with patience."  Many of us prefer to stay at the threshold of the Christian life instead of going on to construct a soul in accordance with the new life God has put within us.  We fail because we are ignorant of the way we are made, we put things down to the devil instead of our own undisciplined natures.  Think what we can be when we actually  "WAKE UP" !!!
          There are certain things we must not pray about, and moods are one.  Moods never go away by praying, moods go by kicking.  A mood nearly always has its seat in the physical condition, not in the moral.  It is a continual effort not to listen to the moods which arise from a physical condition; never submit to them for a second.  We have to take ourselves by the back of the neck and shake ourselves, and we will find that we can do what we said we could not.  The problem with most of us is that we won't.  So let's get up and shake our heads and start doing what we say!
                                       "HAPPY  MOTHERS DAY"

                                             May God Bless You   
                                              And Your Families

                                                                 Minister: Robert A. Lail
                                                                 The Cross Life Ministry

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